374.785. License issued, when--reciprocity--apprehension of defendant, permitted where--fee.

License issued, when--reciprocity--apprehension of defendant,permitted where--fee.

374.785. 1. The director shall issue a license for a period of twoyears to any surety recovery agent who is licensed in another jurisdictionand who:

(1) Has no violations, suspensions, or revocations of a license toengage in fugitive recovery in any jurisdiction; and

(2) Is licensed in a jurisdiction whose requirements aresubstantially equal to or greater than the requirements for a suretyrecovery agent license in Missouri at the time the applicant applies for alicense.

2. Any surety recovery agent who is licensed in another state shallalso be subject to the same training requirements as in-state suretyrecovery agents prescribe to under section 374.784.

3. For the purpose of surrender of the defendant, a surety recoveryagent may apprehend the defendant anywhere within the state of Missouribefore or after the forfeiture of the undertaking without personalliability for false imprisonment or may empower any surety recovery agentto make apprehension by providing written authority endorsed on a certifiedcopy of the undertaking and paying the lawful fees.

4. Every applicant for a license pursuant to this section, uponmaking application and showing the necessary qualifications as provided inthis section, shall be required to pay the same fee as required of residentapplicants. Within the limits provided in this section, the director maynegotiate reciprocal compacts with licensing entities of other states forthe admission of licensed surety recovery agents from Missouri in otherstates.

(L. 2004 S.B. 1122)

Effective 1-01-05