374.763. Collection from surety after forfeiture--list of qualified bail bond agents to be furnished monthly to circuit courts.
Collection from surety after forfeiture--list of qualified bail bondagents to be furnished monthly to circuit courts.
374.763. 1. If any final judgment ordering forfeiture of adefendant's bond is not paid within a six-month period of time, the courtshall extend the judgment date or notify the department of the failure tosatisfy such judgment. The director shall draw upon the assets of thesurety, remit the sum to the court, and obtain a receipt of such sum fromthe court. The director may take action as provided by section 374.755,regarding the license of the surety and any bail bond agents writing uponthe surety's liability.
2. The department shall furnish to the presiding judge of eachcircuit court of this state, on at least a monthly basis, a list of allduly licensed and qualified bail bond agents and general bail bond agentswhose licenses are not subject to pending suspension or revocationproceedings, and who are not subject to unsatisfied bond forfeiturejudgments. In lieu of such list, the department may provide thisinformation to each presiding judge in an electronic format.
3. All duly licensed and qualified bail bond agents and general bailbond agents shall be qualified, without further requirement, to write bailupon a surety's liability in all courts of this state as provided in rulespromulgated by the supreme court of Missouri and not by any circuit courtrule.
(L. 1997 S.B. 248, A.L. 2004 S.B. 1122)Effective 1-01-05