374.740. Nonresident license requirements.
Nonresident license requirements.
374.740. Any person applying to be licensed as a nonresident generalbail bond agent who has been licensed in another state shall devote fiftypercent of his or her working time in the state of Missouri and shall fileproof with the director of the department of insurance, financial institutionsand professional registration as to his or her compliance, and accompany hisor her application with the fees set by the director by regulation and, ifapplying for a nonresident general bail bond agent's license, with a dulyexecuted assignment of twenty-five thousand dollars to the state of Missouri,which assignment shall become effective upon the applicant's violating anyprovision of sections 374.695 to 374.789. Failure to comply with this sectionwill result in revocation of the nonresidence license. The assignmentrequired by this section shall be in the form and executed in the mannerprescribed by the department. All licenses issued pursuant to this sectionshall be subject to the same renewal requirements set for other licensesissued pursuant to sections 374.695 to 374.789.
(L. 1983 S.B. 363 § 6 subsec. 2, A.L. 2004 S.B. 1122)Effective 1-01-05