374.720. Examination, form, content--reexamination fee.
Examination, form, content--reexamination fee.
374.720. 1. Each applicant for licensure as a general bailbond agent, after complying with this section and the provisionsof section 374.715, shall be issued a license by the departmentunless grounds exist under section 374.755 for denial of alicense.
2. Each applicant for examination and licensure as a bailbond agent, after complying with the provisions of section374.715, shall appear for examination at the time and placespecified by the department. Such examination shall be asprescribed by the director as provided under section 375.018,RSMo, and shall be designed to test the applicant's knowledge andexpertise in the area of surety bonds in general and the practiceof a bail bond agent, as defined in sections 374.700 to 374.775,in particular. The applicant shall be notified of the result ofthe examination within twenty working days of the examination.Any applicant who fails such examination may, upon reapplicationand payment of the reexamination fee set by the department,retake the examination.
(L. 1983 S.B. 363 § 5 subsecs. 1, 2, A.L. 1993 H.B. 709)