369.094. Meetings, when, notice, voting.
Meetings, when, notice, voting.
369.094. 1. An annual meeting of the members of each mutualassociation shall be held on a date fixed by the bylaws of theassociation or, if none is so fixed, on the fourth Monday inMarch. A failure to hold the annual meeting at the time sospecified shall not work a forfeiture or dissolution of theassociation. Special meetings may be called by the board ofdirectors, the president, or the secretary upon the writtenrequest of members entitled to cast at least one-tenth of all thevotes which all members are entitled to cast at the particularmeeting, or by such other officers or persons as may be providedin the bylaws.
2. Notice of the annual meeting of members shall bepublished once not less than ten days nor more than thirty daysbefore the date of the meeting in a newspaper published in thecity or county where the principal office of the association islocated. Notice for any special meeting shall be so publishedonce not less than ten nor more than thirty days before the dateof the meeting. All notices shall state the place, day and hour,and if a special meeting of members, the purpose of the meeting.The purpose of an annual meeting need be stated in the noticeonly to the extent required by other provisions of sections369.010 to 369.369.
3. Each member shall have one vote plus an additional votefor each one hundred dollars or fraction thereof of thewithdrawal value of the accounts of such member in excess of onehundred dollars. The association may by its bylaws limit thenumber of votes to which any member may be entitled.
4. Any number of the members present in person or by proxyat any meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction ofbusiness. A majority of all votes cast at any meeting of membersshall determine any question unless sections 369.010 to 369.369specifically provide otherwise. A proxy not limited as toduration shall continue in effect until revoked in writing and incase of death or mental incapacity of the member until noticethereof is received by the association in writing. Proxies shallbe filed with the secretary of the association not less than fivedays before the meeting.
5. Accounts standing in the name of a fiduciary may be votedeither in person or by proxy of the fiduciary. A member whoseaccount is pledged is entitled to vote, in person or by proxy,until the account has been transferred on the books of theassociation and thereafter the transferee shall be entitled tovote in person or by proxy.
6. Except as provided in this chapter all meetings of thestockholders of capital stock associations shall be held asprescribed and shall be governed by the provisions of the generaland business corporation law of Missouri.
(L. 1971 S.B. 3 § 18, A.L. 1982 S.B. 464, A.L. 1983 S.B. 44 & 45)