365.110. Blank spaces in contract prohibited--exceptions.
Blank spaces in contract prohibited--exceptions.
365.110. No retail installment contract shall be signed byany party thereto when it contains blank spaces to be filled inafter it has been signed except that, if delivery of the motorvehicle is not made at the time of the execution of the contract,the identifying number or marks or similar information and thedue dates of the installments may be inserted in the contractafter its execution, and except that the contract may be sosigned provided the buyer is given at the time of the execution abill of sale, invoice or similar memorandum clearly indicatingthe cash sale price, the gross down payment and the types ofinsurance coverage. The buyer's written acknowledgment,conforming to the requirements of subsection 4 of section365.070, of delivery of a copy of a contract shall be conclusiveproof of the delivery, that the contract when signed did notcontain any blank spaces except as herein provided, and ofcompliance with section 365.070 in any action or proceeding by oragainst a holder of the contract without knowledge to thecontrary when he purchased the contract.
(L. 1963 p. 466 § 11)