362.520. Banks may close, when--bank holiday, effect of.
Banks may close, when--bank holiday, effect of.
362.520. 1. Any bank or trust company organized under the laws ofthe state of Missouri or any national bank doing business in Missouri mayremain closed on any Sunday or public holiday, as defined in section 9.010,RSMo, and, in addition, on any day of the week fixed at least fifteen daysin advance by the adoption of a resolution to such effect by a majorityvote of the board of directors thereof, and notice thereof posted in thebank or trust company for the same time.
2. Any bank or trust company may be closed or remain closed wheneverin the judgment of the directors, the president or other officer in charge,the lives or safety of the institution's employees or the institutionitself would be endangered or placed in jeopardy by an emergency arisingfrom fire, flood, storm, snow, power failure, shortage of fuel, robbery,riot or threat of riot, or similar emergency. The bank or trust company soclosed shall notify the director of finance of its action and the reasonstherefor within twelve hours thereafter and such bank or trust companyshall reopen within twenty-four hours after such closing unless permissionshall be granted by the director of finance to remain closed for a longerperiod of time. On all closings under this section a full report inwriting shall be furnished the director of finance.
3. Any day on which a bank or trust company organized under the lawsof the state of Missouri or national bank doing business in Missouripursuant to this section remains closed shall, with respect to the bank ortrust company or national bank, be deemed a holiday for the purposes ofchapter 400, RSMo, and amendments thereto, and the bank or trust company ornational bank shall not be required to permit access to its safe-depositvaults while it is so closed.
4. Where a contract by its terms requires the payment of money or theperformance of a condition on any such day by or at such bank or trustcompany or national bank the payment may be made or condition performed onthe next business day succeeding the day when the bank, trust company ornational bank shall so remain or be closed, with the same force and effectas if made or performed in accordance with the terms of the contract.
5. A branch of any bank or trust company may be closed as provided insubsection 2 of this section, whether or not the main banking house is soclosed, but the day shall not be a bank holiday as provided in subsections3 and 4 of this section unless the main banking house is closed.
6. A branch office of any bank or trust company organized under thelaws of the state of Missouri may be temporarily closed for any reasonableperiod of time for repairs, remodeling, or other purposes decided upon bythe board of directors provided that notice of the board's resolutionconcerning such is both posted in the lobby and on the entrances of theaffected location and supplied to the director of finance at least thirtydays prior to the temporary closing.
(L. 1947 V. I p. 310 § 1, A.L. 1965 p. 95, A.L. 1969 3d Ex. Sess. H.B. 39, A.L. 1991 H.B. 206, A.L. 2005 H.B. 707)