361.410. Expenses of liquidation, how paid.

Expenses of liquidation, how paid.

361.410. 1. The director shall pay out of the funds in hishands, of such corporation, all expenses of liquidation, subjectto the approval of the circuit court in the county or city inwhich the principal office of such corporation is located, andupon notice of the application for such approval to suchcorporation.

2. He shall, in like manner, fix and pay the compensation ofspecial deputy directors, assistants, counsel and other employeesappointed to assist him in such liquidation pursuant to theprovisions of this chapter. But a special deputy who, asexaminer acting under commission from the director, haspreviously examined the books, papers and affairs of suchcorporation, shall not receive compensation as such specialdeputy which exceeds by more than five dollars a day the per diemcompensation received by him as examiner at the time of makingsuch examination.

(RSMo 1939 § 7918, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 5324; 1919 § 11707

Effective 1-2-79