360.025. Meetings to be open--quorum--notice--expenses of members.
Meetings to be open--quorum--notice--expenses of members.
360.025. Four members of the authority shall constitute aquorum for the purpose of conducting business. The exercise ofthe powers of the authority and action may be taken by theauthority upon the affirmative vote of the lesser of four membersor a majority of the members present as long as a quorum ispresent. Each meeting of the authority for any purposewhatsoever shall be open to the public, except as otherwiseprovided by law. Notice of meetings shall be given as providedin the bylaws of the authority. The proceedings and actions ofthe authority shall comply with all statutory requirementsrespecting the conduct of public business by a public agency.Members of the authority shall receive no compensation forservices but shall be entitled to reimbursement for necessaryexpenses, including traveling and lodging expenses, incurred inthe discharge of their duties. Any payment for expenses shall bepaid from funds of the authority.
(L. 1975 H.B. 70 § 3, A.L. 1988 H.B. 1456)