360.020. Authority established--membership, terms--vacancy, how filled--removal of member, when.
Authority established--membership, terms--vacancy, how filled--removalof member, when.
360.020. There is hereby created a body politic andcorporate to be known as the "Health and Educational FacilitiesAuthority of the State of Missouri". The authority is herebyconstituted a public instrumentality and body corporate, and theexercise by the authority of the powers conferred by sections360.010 to 360.140 shall be deemed and held to be the performanceof an essential public function. The authority shall consist ofseven members to be appointed by the governor, by and with theadvice and consent of the senate, each of whom shall be aresident of the state. Not more than four out of the sevenmembers of the authority shall be of the same political party.In making appointments to the authority, the governor shall takeinto consideration nominees recommended to him for appointment byprofessional organizations of hospitals, operators of long termhealth care facilities, higher education associations, investmentbankers, and architects. The members of the authority firstappointed by the governor shall be appointed as follows: Two fora term of one year, two for a term of two years, and one each forterms of three, four, and five years, respectively, from the dateof appointment, or until their successors shall have beenappointed and shall have qualified. The initial term of eachsuch member is to be designated by the governor at the time ofmaking the appointment. Upon the expiration of the initial termsof office, successor members shall be appointed for terms of fiveyears and shall serve until their successors shall have beenappointed and shall have qualified. Any member shall be eligiblefor reappointment. The governor shall fill any vacancy for theremainder of any unexpired term. Any member of the authority maybe removed by the governor for misfeasance, malfeasance, willfulneglect of duty, or other cause after notice and a public hearingunless the notice or hearing shall be expressly waived inwriting.
(L. 1975 H.B. 70 § 2)