355.821. Corporate records.
Corporate records.
355.821. 1. A corporation shall keep as permanent records minutes ofall meetings of its members and board of directors, a record of all actionstaken by the members or directors without a meeting, and a record of allactions taken by committees of the board of directors as authorized bysubsection 4 of section 355.406.
2. A corporation shall maintain appropriate accounting records.
3. A corporation or its agent shall maintain a record of its membersin a form that permits preparation of a list of the names and addresses ofall members, in alphabetical order by class showing the number of voteseach member is entitled to vote.
4. A corporation shall maintain its records in written form or inanother form capable of conversion into written form within a reasonabletime.
5. A corporation shall keep a copy of the following records at itsprincipal office:
(1) Its articles or restated articles of incorporation and allamendments to them currently in effect;
(2) Its bylaws or restated bylaws and all amendments to themcurrently in effect;
(3) Resolutions adopted by its board of directors relating to thecharacteristics, qualifications, rights, limitations and obligations ofmembers or any class or category of members;
(4) The minutes of all meetings of members and records of all actionsapproved by the members for the past three years;
(5) All written communications to all members or any specific classof members generally within the past three years, including the financialstatements furnished for the past three years under section 355.846;
(6) A list of the names and business or home addresses of its currentdirectors and officers;
(7) Its most recent corporate registration report delivered to thesecretary of state under section 355.856; and
(8) Appropriate financial statements of all income and expenses.Public benefit corporations shall not be required, under this chapter, todisclose any information with respect to donors, gifts, contributions orthe purchase or sale of art objects.
(L. 1994 H.B. 1095, A.L. 2009 H.B. 481)