355.271. List of members.
List of members.
355.271. 1. After fixing a record date for a notice of ameeting, a corporation shall prepare an alphabetical list of thenames of all its members who are entitled to vote at the annualmeeting. The list must show the address and number of votes eachmember is entitled to vote at the meeting.
2. The list of members must be available for inspection byany member for the purpose of communication with other membersconcerning the meeting, beginning two business days after noticeis given of the meeting for which the list was prepared andcontinuing through the meeting, at the corporation's principaloffice or at a reasonable place identified in the meeting noticein the city where the meeting will be held. A member, a member'sagent or a member's attorney is entitled on written demand toinspect the list, at a reasonable time, during the period it isavailable for inspection.
3. The corporation shall make the list of members availableat the meeting, and any member, a member's agent or attorney isentitled to inspect the list at any time during the meeting orany adjournment.
4. If the corporation refuses to allow a member, a member'sagent or a member's attorney to inspect the list of membersbefore or at the meeting, the circuit court of the county where acorporation's principal office, or, if none in this state, itsregistered office, is located, on application of the member, maysummarily order the inspection and may postpone the meeting forwhich the list was prepared until the inspection is complete, andmay order the corporation to pay the member's costs, includingreasonable counsel fees, incurred to obtain the order.
5. Unless a written demand to inspect a membership list hasbeen made under subsection 2 of this section prior to themembership meeting and a corporation improperly refuses to complywith the demand, refusal or failure to comply with this sectiondoes not affect the validity of action taken at the meeting.
(L. 1994 H.B. 1095)Effective 7-1-95