354.480. Rehabilitation, liquidation, or conservation, grounds, procedure--enrollee's priorities--claims, priority.
Rehabilitation, liquidation, or conservation, grounds,procedure--enrollee's priorities--claims, priority.
354.480. 1. Any rehabilitation, liquidation, orconservation of a health maintenance organization shall be deemedto be the rehabilitation, liquidation, or conservation of aninsurance company and shall be conducted under the supervision ofthe director pursuant to the laws governing the rehabilitation,liquidation, or conservation of an insurance company. Thedirector may apply for an order directing him to rehabilitate,liquidate, or conserve a health maintenance organization upon anyone or more grounds set out in section* 354.355, or section375.560, RSMo, or when, in his opinion, the continued operationof the health maintenance organization would be hazardous eitherto the enrollees or to the people of this state. Enrollees shallhave the same priority in the event of liquidation orrehabilitation granted the policyholders of an insurer.
2. A claim by a health care provider for any uncoveredexpenditures has priority over claims of other health careproviders, provided such provider of services agrees not toassert such claim against any enrollee of the health maintenanceorganization.
(L. 1983 H.B. 127)*Word "chapter" appears in original rolls.