354.095. Limitation of membership and benefits--certain benefits to be provided, when.

Limitation of membership and benefits--certain benefits to beprovided, when.

354.095. 1. A corporation subject to the provisions ofsections 354.010 to 354.380 may, in the discretion of its boardof directors, limit or define the classes of persons who shall beeligible to become members or beneficiaries, limit and define thebenefits which it will furnish, and may define such benefits asit undertakes to furnish into classes or kinds. It may makeavailable to its members or beneficiaries such health services,or reimbursement therefor, as the board of directors of any suchcorporation may approve; if maternity benefits are provided toany members of any plan, then maternity benefits shall beprovided to any member of such plan without discrimination as towhether the member is married or unmarried, and if maternitybenefits are provided to a beneficiary of any plan, thenmaternity benefits shall be provided to such beneficiary of suchplan without discrimination as to whether the beneficiary ismarried or unmarried.

2. If an ambulatory surgical facility as defined bysubdivision (1) of section 197.200, RSMo, has received acertificate of need as provided in chapter 197, RSMo, a healthservices corporation shall provide benefits to the facility onthe same basis as it does to all other health care facilities,whether contracting members or noncontracting members. A healthservices corporation shall use the same standards that areapplied to any other health care facility within the same healthservices area in defining the benefits that the corporation willfurnish to the ambulatory surgical facility, the classes to whichsuch benefits will be furnished, and the amount of reimbursement.

(L. 1973 S.B. 3 § 18, A.L. 1981 S.B. 185, A.L. 1983 H.B. 127)