350.016. Restriction on corporate farming, exceptions, certain counties engaging in production of swine.
Restriction on corporate farming, exceptions, certain countiesengaging in production of swine.
350.016. The restrictions set forth in section 350.015shall not apply to agricultural land which is used by acorporation or limited partnership for the production of swine orswine products located in any county of the third classificationwith a township form of government which has at least threethousand but no more than four thousand inhabitants, or anycounty which adjoins such county which has a population of atleast four thousand five hundred but no more than six thousandfive hundred inhabitants.
(L. 1993 H.B. 566)Restriction on corporate farming, exceptions, certain countiesengaging in production of swine.*H.B. 566 and S.B. 84 both amended this section during the 1st Regular Session of the 87th General Assembly, 1993. Due to conflict, both versions are printed here.
(2003) Term "production of swine or swine products" includes cattle grazing for the purpose of nitrogen removal from the land application of effluent. State ex rel. Nixon v. Premium Standard Farms, 100 S.W.3d 157 (Mo.App.W.D.).
350.016. The restrictions set forth in section 350.015shall not apply to agricultural land in counties located north ofthe Missouri River and west of the Chariton River and having apopulation of more than three thousand five hundred and less thanseven thousand inhabitants which border at least two othercounties having a population of more than three thousand fivehundred and less than seven thousand inhabitants which is used bya corporation or limited partnership for the production of swineor swine products.
(L. 1993 S.B. 84)*H.B. 566 and S.B. 84 both amended this section during the 1st Regular Session of the 87th General Assembly, 1993. Due to conflict, both versions are printed here.