350.010. Definitions.
350.010. For the purposes of this section, the terms defined in thissection have the meanings here given them:
(1) "Agricultural land" means land used for farming.
(2) "Authorized farm corporation" means a corporation meeting thefollowing standards:
(a) All of its shareholders, other than any estate, or revocable andirrevocable trusts, are natural persons;
(b) It must receive two-thirds or more of its total net income fromfarming as defined in this section;
(3) "Corporation" means a corporation or a cooperative.
(4) "Family farm" means an unincorporated farming unit owned or leasedby one or more persons residing on the farm or actively engaging in farming.
(5) "Family farm corporation" means a corporation incorporated for thepurpose of farming and the ownership of agricultural land in which at leastone-half of the voting stock is held by and at least one-half of thestockholders are members of a family related to each other within the thirddegree of consanguinity or affinity including the spouses, sons-in-law anddaughters-in-law of any such family member according to the rules of thecommon law, and at least one of whose stockholders is a person residing on oractively operating the farm, and none of whose stockholders are a corporationprohibited by section 350.015 from entering into farming, or any corporationwhich is subject to the controlled expansion provisions of section 350.015;provided that a family farm corporation shall not cease to qualify as suchhereunder by reason of any gift, devise or bequest of shares of voting stock.A person actively operating a farm shall include, but not be limited to, aperson who has an ownership interest in the family farm corporation andexercises some management control or direction.
(6) "Farming" means using or cultivating land for the production of (a)agricultural crops; (b) livestock or livestock products; (c) poultry orpoultry products; (d) milk or dairy products; or (e) fruit or otherhorticultural products, provided; however, "farming" shall not include aprocessor of farm products or a distributor of farming supplies contracting toprovide spraying, harvesting or other farming services.
(L. 1975 H.B. 655 § 1)(1988) Chapter 350, RSMo, is rationally related to a legitimate state interest and does not violate the equal protection clauses of federal and state constitutions. State ex rel. Webster v. Lehndorff Geneva, 744 S.W.2d 801 (En banc).