348.030. Commissioners' terms.
Commissioners' terms.
348.030. The commissioners shall serve five-year terms, witheach term beginning July first and ending on June thirtieth;except, that of the commissioners first appointed, one shall beappointed for a term of two years, two shall be appointed for aterm of three years, two shall be appointed for a term of fouryears, and two shall be appointed for a term of five years. Eachcommissioner appointed thereafter shall be appointed for a termending five years from the date of expiration of the term forwhich his predecessor was appointed; except, that a personappointed to fill a vacancy prior to the expiration of such aterm shall be appointed for the remainder of the term. Nocommissioner appointed pursuant to sections 348.005 to 348.180 bythe governor shall serve more than two consecutive full terms.Each commissioner shall hold office for the term of hisappointment and until his successor shall have been appointed andqualified.
(L. 1981 H.B. 681 § 6)