347.700. Law to apply, merger or consolidation.
Law to apply, merger or consolidation.
347.700. 1. A merger or consolidation solely between any two or moredomestic corporations or one or more domestic corporations and one or moreforeign corporations shall be governed by and subject to chapter 351 or355, RSMo, as is applicable.
2. A merger or consolidation solely between any two or more domesticgeneral partnerships or one or more domestic general partnerships and oneor more foreign general partnerships shall be governed by and subject tosection 358.520, RSMo.
3. A merger or consolidation solely between any two or more domesticlimited partnerships or one or more domestic limited partnerships and oneor more foreign limited partnerships shall be governed by and subject tosection 359.165, RSMo.
4. A merger or consolidation solely between any two or more domesticlimited liability companies or one or more domestic limited liabilitycompanies and one or more foreign limited liability companies shall begoverned by sections 347.127 to 347.133.
5. A business combination involving any resident domestic corporationand any interested shareholder of such resident domestic corporation shallbe governed by and subject to section 351.459, RSMo.
6. Subject to the provisions of this section, any merger orconsolidation between one or more domestic corporations and any one or moreconstituent entities at least one of which is not a corporation, one ormore domestic general partnerships and any one or more constituent entitiesat least one of which is not a general partnership, one or more domesticlimited partnerships and any one or more constituent entities at least oneof which is not a limited partnership, one or more domestic limitedliability partnerships and any one or more constituent entities at leastone of which is not a limited liability partnership, one or more domesticlimited liability limited partnerships and any one or more constituententities at least one of which is not a limited liability limitedpartnership, or one or more domestic limited liability companies and anyone or more constituent entities at least one of which is not a limitedliability company shall be governed by and subject to the provisions ofsections 347.700 to 347.735.
(L. 1993 S.B. 66 & 20 § 359.900, A.L. 1997 H.B. 655 merged with S.B. 170, A.L. 2003 S.B. 394)