346.120. Board of examiners for hearing instrument specialists--qualifications, terms, appointment, compensation and expenses of members.

Board of examiners for hearing instrument specialists--qualifications,terms, appointment, compensation and expenses of members.

346.120. 1. There is hereby established the "Missouri Board ofExaminers for Hearing Instrument Specialists", which shall guide, adviseand make recommendations to the division. The council for hearing aiddealers and fitters is abolished. Nothing herein shall be construed toprevent the appointment of any current member of the council for hearingaid dealers and fitters to the Missouri board of examiners for hearinginstrument specialists upon August 28, 1995.

2. Members of the board shall be United States citizens and residentsof the state for a period of not less than one year. The board shallconsist of five hearing instrument specialists, one otolaryngologist, onevoting public member and one audiologist holding a certificate of clinicalcompetence and licensed pursuant to chapter 345, RSMo. Each hearinginstrument specialist on the board shall have no less than five years ofexperience in the practice of fitting hearing instruments and shall hold avalid license as a hearing instrument specialist as provided in sections346.010 to 346.250.

3. Each member of the board shall be appointed by the governor withthe advice and consent of the senate. The term of office of each membershall be for four years, except that the first board appointed shallconsist of two members, one of which shall be the public member, whoseterms shall be for four years, two members whose terms shall be for threeyears, two members whose terms shall be for two years and two members whoseterms shall be for one year. Upon the expiration of a member's term, thegovernor shall appoint a successor. The members of the board shallannually designate one member to serve as chairperson and another to serveas vice chairperson. Upon the absence of the chairperson, the vicechairperson shall assume the duties of the chairperson.

4. No member of the board who has served a full term may bereappointed to the board until at least one year after the expiration ofthe member's term of office.

5. Each member of the board shall receive as compensation an amountset by the division for each day devoted to the affairs of the board andshall be reimbursed for the member's actual and necessary expenses incurredin the performance of the member's duties.

6. The public member shall be at the time of appointment a citizen ofthe United States, a resident of this state for a period of one year and aregistered voter; a person who is not, and never was, a member of anyprofession licensed or regulated under this chapter or the spouse of suchperson; and a person who does not have, and never has had, a materialfinancial interest in either the providing of the professional servicesregulated by this chapter, or any activity or organization directly relatedto any profession licensed or regulated under this chapter. The duties ofthe public member shall not include the determination of the technicalrequirements to be met for licensure or whether any person meets suchtechnical requirements or of the technical competence or technical judgmentof a licensee or a candidate for licensure.

7. No member of the board shall use his or her position on the boardto advance any financial or material interest the member may have in theprovision of professional services regulated by sections 346.010 to346.250. Members of the board may be removed from office for cause. Upondeath, resignation or removal from office of any member of the board, anysuch vacancy shall be filled by the governor.

8. The board may sue and be sued as the Missouri board of examinersfor hearing instrument specialists, and its members need not be named asparties. Members of the board shall not be personally liable, eitherjointly or severally, for any act committed in the performance of theirofficial duties as board members, nor shall any board member be personallyliable for any costs which accrue in any action by or against the board.

(L. 1973 H.B. 396 & 257 § 25, A.L. 1981 S.B. 16, A.L. 1995 S.B. 69, et al.)


Public member, additional duties, RSMo 620.132