340.320. Practice as technician after revocation, penalty--application for renewal.
Practice as technician after revocation, penalty--application forrenewal.
340.320. 1. Any person who practices as a veterinary technicianafter his or her certificate has been revoked pursuant to section 340.318is in violation of sections 340.200 to 340.330 and subject to criminalprosecution as provided for under sections 340.200 to 340.330. Suchcriminal penalty shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any penalty orother discipline provided for under sections 340.200 to 340.330.
2. If a person is otherwise eligible to renew his or her certificate,such person may renew an expired certificate within two years of the dateof expiration by submitting an application for renewal, payment of therenewal fee, payment of delinquent renewal fees and payment of a penaltyfee as established by the board. A certificate may not be renewed if twoyears have lapsed since the date the certificate expired. Such holder ofan expired certificate must make application for a new certificate.
(L. 1992 H.B. 878 § 60, A.L. 1999 S.B. 424, A.L. 2004 H.B. 869)