340.247. Veterinary faculty license, requirements, limitations--disciplinary actions--cancellation.
Veterinary faculty license, requirements, limitations--disciplinaryactions--cancellation.
340.247. 1. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law to thecontrary, the board may issue a veterinary faculty license to any qualifiedapplicant associated with the University of Missouri-Columbia, College ofVeterinary Medicine and involved in the instructional program of eitherundergraduate or graduate veterinary medical students, subject to thefollowing conditions:
(1) The holder of the veterinary faculty license is compensated forthe practice aspects of his or her services solely from the state, federalor institutional funds and not from the patient-owner beneficiary of his orher practice efforts;
(2) The applicant furnishes the board with such proof as the boardmay deem necessary to demonstrate that:
(a) The applicant is a graduate of a reputable school or college ofveterinary medicine;
(b) The applicant has or will have a faculty position at one of thisstate's institutions of higher learning and will be involved in theinstructional program of either undergraduate or graduate veterinarymedical students, as certified by an authorized administrative official atsuch institution; and
(c) The applicant understands and agrees that the faculty license isvalid only for the practice of veterinary medicine as a faculty member ofthe institution; and
(3) The applicant takes and passes the state board examination.
2. The license issued pursuant to this section may be revoked orsuspended or the licensee may be otherwise disciplined in accordance withthe provisions of this chapter.
3. The license issued pursuant to this section shall be canceled bythe board upon receipt of information that the holder of the veterinaryfaculty license has left or has otherwise been discontinued from facultyemployment at an institution of higher learning in this state.
(L. 1999 S.B. 424)