340.232. Registration and examination fees--return of examination fee--procedure upon failure of examination.
Registration and examination fees--return of examinationfee--procedure upon failure of examination.
340.232. 1. The application shall be accompanied by registration andexamination fees as established by board rule pursuant to section 340.210.The registration fee shall not be returned if the applicant is admitted tothe practice of veterinary medicine but shall be deemed to include paymentof the registration fee for the remainder of the licensing period in whichthe applicant is admitted.
2. The examination fee shall be returned to the applicant if theboard determines that the applicant is not qualified to sit for theexamination. However, the examination fee shall not be returned if theboard denied the application because the applicant provided falseinformation.
3. If an applicant fails an examination, the applicant shall:
(1) Pay examination fees for each subsequent application;
(2) Wait for some period of time as prescribed by board rule from thedate of the failed examination to take the next examination; and
(3) Prior to the fourth and final attempt at passage, present to theboard a plan for passage and evidence of completion of at least thirtyhours of board-approved continuing education since last sitting for theexamination or in the calendar year preceding the final application.
(L. 1992 H.B. 878 § 17, A.L. 1999 S.B. 424)