340.202. Missouri veterinary medical board created--members--vacancies, how filled--public member--terms.
Missouri veterinary medical board created--members--vacancies, howfilled--public member--terms.
340.202. 1. There is hereby created a board to be known as the"Missouri Veterinary Medical Board". The board shall consist of the stateveterinarian, who shall serve ex officio, and five appointed members,including a voting public member. Not more than three of the appointedmembers shall be of the same political party. Each appointed member, otherthan the public member, of the board shall be a United States citizen, ataxpaying resident of the state of Missouri for one year, a graduate of anaccredited school of veterinary medicine, and shall have been lawfullyengaged in the actual practice of veterinary medicine in the state ofMissouri for no less than five years next preceding the date of themember's* appointment.
2. The public member shall be at the time of the public member's*appointment, a citizen of the United States; a resident of Missouri for aperiod of one year and a registered voter; a person who is not and neverhas been a member of any profession licensed or regulated pursuant tosections 340.200 to 340.330 or the spouse of such person; and a person whodoes not have and never has had a material, financial interest in eitherthe providing of the professional services regulated by sections 340.200 to340.330, or an activity or organization directly related to any professionlicensed or regulated pursuant to sections 340.200 to 340.330. The dutiesof the public member shall not include the determination of the technicalrequirements to be met for licensure or whether any person meets suchtechnical requirements or of the technical competence or technical judgmentof a licensee or candidate for licensure.
3. The president of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association inoffice at the time shall, at least ninety days prior to the expiration ofthe term of a board member other than the public member, or as soon asfeasible after a vacancy on the board otherwise occurs, submit to thedirector of the division of professional registration a list of fiveveterinarians qualified and willing to fill the vacancy in question withthe request and recommendation that the governor appoint one of the personsso listed. With the list so submitted, the president of the MissouriVeterinary Medical Association shall include in the* letter of transmittala description of the method by which the names were chosen by theassociation.
4. All members, including the public member, shall be chosen fromlists submitted by the director of the division of professionalregistration. All appointments shall be made by the governor with theadvice and consent of the senate. Before entering into the* term ofoffice, each member shall file a written oath to discharge the member's*official duties in a faithful manner with the secretary of state.
5. All members shall be appointed to serve four-year terms. Anyvacancy in the membership of the board shall be filled by appointment forthe unexpired term.
(L. 1992 H.B. 878 § 2, A.L. 1999 H.B. 343 merged with S.B. 424)*Words "his or her" appear in H.B. 343, 1999.