339.045. Real estate schools--accreditation--registration--fee, how determined.
Real estate schools--accreditation--registration--fee, howdetermined.
339.045. 1. An institution or organization desiring toconduct a school or offer a course of instruction to preparepersons to be licensed under this chapter, or to offerpost-licensure courses, shall apply to the commission foraccreditation, and shall submit evidence that it is prepared tocarry out a prescribed minimum curriculum in real estateprinciples and practices and can meet other standards establishedby the commission. An investigation of the school and of theinstitution or organization with which such school is affiliatedshall be made by the executive secretary or other authorizedrepresentative of the commission, who shall submit a writtenreport of the investigation to the commission. If, in theopinion of the commission, the requirements for an accreditedschool for instruction in real estate principles and practicesare met, the commission shall approve the school as an accreditedreal estate school upon payment of a fee in an amount to be setby the commission. All schools so accredited shall register atrequired intervals on a form provided and pay the requiredregistration fee fixed by the commission.
2. The commission shall prescribe minimum curricula andstandards for accreditation of real estate schools, courses ofinstruction preparing persons to be licensed under this chapterand courses offered for post-licensure credit.
3. From time to time as deemed necessary by the commissionit shall be the duty of the commission through its executivesecretary or other authorized representative to survey allaccredited real estate schools operated in this state. If thecommission determines that any accredited real estate school isnot maintaining the standards required by the commission, noticesthereof in writing specifying the defect or defects shall begiven immediately to the school. The commission may file acomplaint with the administrative hearing commission if a schoolfails to correct these conditions to the satisfaction of thecommission within thirty days, or such longer period as may beauthorized in writing by the commission. The hearing and anysubsequent suspension or revocation of accreditation shall begoverned by chapter 621, RSMo.
4. No member of the commission, nor any relative within thefourth degree of consanguinity or affinity, nor any member oremployee of the commissioner's firm or business entity, shallhave any economic interest in, receive remuneration from, orteach or solicit customers for any real estate school or coursesof instruction as heretofore described in this chapter.
(L. 1978 S.B. 811, A.L. 1981 S.B. 16, A.L. 1983 H.B. 100) Effective 7-1-84