337.510. Requirements for licensure--reciprocity--provisional professional counselor license issued, when, requirements--renewal license fee.
Requirements for licensure--reciprocity--provisional professionalcounselor license issued, when, requirements--renewal licensefee.
337.510. 1. Each applicant for licensure as a professional counselorshall furnish evidence to the committee that the applicant is at leasteighteen years of age, is of good moral character, is a United Statescitizen or is legally present in the United States; and
(1) The applicant has completed a course of study as defined by theboard rule leading to a master's, specialist's, or doctoral degree with amajor in counseling; and
(2) The applicant has completed acceptable supervised counseling asdefined by board rule. If the applicant has a master's degree with a majorin counseling as defined by board rule, the applicant shall complete atleast two years of acceptable supervised counseling experience subsequentto the receipt of the master's degree. The composition and number of hourscomprising the acceptable supervised counseling experience shall be definedby board rule. An applicant may substitute thirty semester hours of postmaster's graduate study for one of the two required years of acceptablesupervised counseling experience if such hours are clearly related tocounseling;
(3) After August 28, 2007, each applicant shall have completed aminimum of three hours of graduate level coursework in diagnostic systemseither in the curriculum leading to a degree or as post master's graduatelevel course work;
(4) Upon examination, the applicant is possessed of requisiteknowledge of the profession, including techniques and applications,research and its interpretation, and professional affairs and ethics.
2. Any person who previously held a valid unrevoked, unsuspendedlicense as a professional counselor in this state and who held a validlicense as a professional counselor in another state at the time ofapplication to the committee shall be granted a license to engage inprofessional counseling in this state upon application to the committeeaccompanied by the appropriate fee as established by the committee pursuantto section 337.507.
3. Any person holding a current license, certificate of registration,or permit from another state or territory of the United States to practiceas a professional counselor who is at least eighteen years of age, is ofgood moral character, and is a United States citizen or is legally presentin the United States may be granted a license without examination to engagein the practice of professional counseling in this state upon theapplication to the board, payment of the required fee as established by theboard, and satisfying one of the following requirements:
(1) Approval by the American Association of State Counseling Boards(AASCB) or its successor organization according to the eligibility criteriaestablished by AASCB. The successor organization shall be defined by boardrule; or
(2) In good standing and currently certified by the National Boardfor Certified Counselors or its successor organization and has completedacceptable supervised counseling experience as defined by board rule. Thesuccessor organization shall be defined by board rule; or
(3) Determination by the board that the requirements of the otherstate or territory are substantially the same as Missouri and certified bythe applicant's current licensing entity that the applicant has a currentlicense. The applicant shall also consent to examination of anydisciplinary history.
4. The committee shall issue a license to each person who files anapplication and fee and who furnishes evidence satisfactory to thecommittee that the applicant has complied with the provisions of this actand has taken and passed a written, open-book examination on Missouri lawsand regulations governing the practice of professional counseling asdefined in section 337.500. The division shall issue a provisionalprofessional counselor license to any applicant who meets all requirementsof this section, but who has not completed the required acceptablesupervised counseling experience and such applicant may reapply forlicensure as a professional counselor upon completion of such acceptablesupervised counseling experience.
5. All persons licensed to practice professional counseling in thisstate shall pay on or before the license renewal date a renewal license feeand shall furnish to the committee satisfactory evidence of the completionof the requisite number of hours of continuing education as required byrule, which shall be no more than forty hours biennially. The continuingeducation requirements may be waived by the committee upon presentation tothe committee of satisfactory evidence of the illness of the licensee orfor other good cause.
(L. 1985 S.B. 37 § 4, A.L. 1989 H.B. 738 & 720, A.L. 1996 S.B. 604, et al., A.L. 2001 S.B. 357, A.L. 2004 H.B. 1195, A.L. 2005 H.B. 600 merged with S.B. 347, A.L. 2006 S.B. 756, A.L. 2007 S.B. 272)