337.045. Exempted professions and occupations--temporary practice authorized.
Exempted professions and occupations--temporary practice authorized.
337.045. Nothing in sections 337.010 to 337.090 shall in any waylimit:
(1) Qualified members of other professional groups such as teachers,clergy, practitioners of medicine, practitioners of chiropractic,practitioners of optometry, licensed professional counselors, attorneys,licensed clinical social workers, licensed marriage and family therapists,vocational counselors, vocational rehabilitation counselors, nurses, orduly accredited Christian Science practitioners from doing work of apsychological nature consistent with their training and consistent with anycode of ethics of their respective professions; or
(2) The activities, services, or use of official title on the part ofany person in the employ of a governmental agency, or of a duly charterededucational institution, or of a corporation primarily engaged in research,insofar as such activities or services are part of the duties of his or heremployment, except that any person hired after August 28, 1996, shall be inthe process of either meeting the requirements to become licensed,including pursuant to a doctoral degree in psychology or the supervisedprofessional experience requirements or shall be a licensed psychologist;or
(3) Other persons from engaging in activities defined as the practiceof psychology, provided that such persons shall not represent themselves bythe title "psychologist". Such persons may use the terms "psychologicaltrainee", "psychological intern", "psychological resident", and"psychological assistant" and provided further that such persons performtheir activities under the supervision and responsibility of a licensedpsychologist in accordance with regulations promulgated by the committee.Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to apply to any person otherthan:
(a) A matriculated graduate student in psychology whose activitiesconstitute a part of the course of study for a graduate degree inpsychology at a recognized educational institution;
(b) An individual pursuing postdoctoral training or experience inpsychology, including persons seeking to fulfill the requirements forlicensure pursuant to the provisions of sections 337.010 to 337.090;
(c) A qualified assistant, including but not limited to, otherlicensed professionals employed by, or otherwise directly accountable to, alicensed psychologist; or
(4) The use of psychological techniques by government institutions,commercial organizations or individuals for employment, evaluation,promotion or job adjustment of their own employees or employee-applicants,or by employment agencies for evaluation of their own clients prior torecommendation for employment; provided that no government institution,commercial organization or individual shall sell or offer these services tothe public or to other firms, organizations or individuals forremuneration, unless the services are performed or supervised by a personlicensed and registered pursuant to sections 337.010 to 337.090; or
(5) The practice of psychology in the state of Missouri for atemporary period by a person who resides outside the state of Missouri, andwho is licensed or certified to practice psychology in another state andconducts the major part of his or her practice outside the state. Thetemporary period shall not exceed ten consecutive business days in anyperiod of ninety days, nor in the aggregate exceed fifteen business days inany nine-month period; or
(6) The provision of expert testimony by psychologists or otherpersons who are otherwise exempted by sections 337.010 to 337.090; or
(7) The teaching of psychology, the conduct of psychologicalresearch, or the provision of psychological services or consultations toorganizations or institutions, provided that such teaching, research, orservice does not involve the delivery or supervision of directpsychological services to individuals or groups of individuals; or
(8) School psychologists certified under the program standards of theNational Association of School Psychologists who are employed in a dulyaccredited school so long as the individual is performing services withinthe scope of his or her employment for such school and within the scope ofhis or her education, training and experience; or
(9) Psychotherapy activities or services performed by an individualwith a doctoral decree in anthropology; provided that such degree wasreceived on or prior to December 31, 1989, and which was from aneducational institution accredited by one of the regional accreditingassociations approved by the council on postsecondary accreditation; andprovided further that such individual has completed at least twenty-fourmonths of supervised clinical experience in psychotherapy under thesupervision of a physician.
(L. 1977 H.B. 255 § 8, A.L. 1981 S.B. 16, A.L. 1989 H.B. 738 & 720, A.L. 1996 S.B. 604, et al., A.L. 1998 H.B. 1601, et al. merged with S.B. 732)