337.033. Limitations on areas of practice--relevant professional education and training, defined--criteria for program of graduate study--health service provider certification, requirements for certai
Limitations on areas of practice--relevant professional education andtraining, defined--criteria for program of graduate study--healthservice provider certification, requirements for certainpersons--automatic certification for certain persons.
337.033. 1. A licensed psychologist shall limit his or her practiceto demonstrated areas of competence as documented by relevant professionaleducation, training, and experience. A psychologist trained in one areashall not practice in another area without obtaining additional relevantprofessional education, training, and experience through an acceptableprogram of respecialization.
2. A psychologist may not represent or hold himself or herself out asa state certified or registered psychological health service providerunless the psychologist has first received the psychologist health serviceprovider certification from the committee; provided, however, nothing inthis section shall be construed to limit or prevent a licensed, whethertemporary, provisional or permanent, psychologist who does not hold ahealth service provider certificate from providing psychological servicesso long as such services are consistent with subsection 1 of this section.
3. "Relevant professional education and training" for health serviceprovider certification, except those entitled to certification pursuant tosubsection 5 or 6 of this section, shall be defined as a licensedpsychologist whose graduate psychology degree from a recognized educationalinstitution is in an area designated by the American PsychologicalAssociation as pertaining to health service delivery or a psychologist whosubsequent to receipt of his or her graduate degree in psychology haseither completed a respecialization program from a recognized educationalinstitution in one or more of the American Psychological Associationrecognized clinical health service provider areas and who in addition hascompleted at least one year of postdegree supervised experience in suchclinical area or a psychologist who has obtained comparable education andtraining acceptable to the committee through completion of postdoctoralfellowships or otherwise.
4. The degree or respecialization program certificate shall beobtained from a recognized program of graduate study in one or more of thehealth service delivery areas designated by the American PsychologicalAssociation as pertaining to health service delivery, which shall meet oneof the criteria established by subdivisions (1) to (3) of this subsection:
(1) A doctoral degree or completion of a recognized respecializationprogram in one or more of the American Psychological Association designatedhealth service provider delivery areas which is accredited, orprovisionally accredited, by the American Psychological Association; or
(2) A clinical or counseling psychology doctoral degree program orrespecialization program designated, or provisionally approved, by theAssociation of State and Provincial Psychology Boards or the Council forthe National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology, or both;or
(3) A doctoral degree or completion of a respecialization program inone or more of the American Psychological Association designated healthservice provider delivery areas that meets the following criteria:
(a) The program, wherever it may be administratively housed, shall beclearly identified and labeled as being in one or more of the AmericanPsychological Association designated health service provider deliveryareas;
(b) Such a program shall specify in pertinent institutionalcatalogues and brochures its intent to educate and train professionalpsychologists in one or more of the American Psychological Associationdesignated health service provider delivery areas.
5. A person who is lawfully licensed as a psychologist pursuant tothe provisions of this chapter on August 28, 1989, or who has been approvedto sit for examination prior to August 28, 1989, and who subsequentlypasses the examination shall be deemed to have met all requirements forhealth service provider certification; provided, however, that such personshall be governed by the provisions of subsection 1 of this section withrespect to limitation of practice.
6. Any person who is lawfully licensed as a psychologist in thisstate and who meets one or more of the following criteria shallautomatically, upon payment of the requisite fee, be entitled to receive ahealth service provider certification from the committee:
(1) Is a diplomate of the American Board of Professional Psychologyin one or more of the specialties recognized by the American Board ofProfessional Psychology as pertaining to health service delivery; or
(2) Is a member of the National Register of Health Service Providersin Psychology.
(L. 1989 H.B. 738 & 720, A.L. 1998 H.B. 1601, et al. merged with S.B. 732)