335.086. Use of fraudulent credentials prohibited.
Use of fraudulent credentials prohibited.
335.086. No person, firm, corporation or association shall:
(1) Sell or attempt to sell or fraudulently obtain orfurnish or attempt to furnish any nursing diploma, license,renewal or record or aid or abet therein;
(2) Practice professional or practical nursing as defined bysections 335.011 to 335.096 under cover of any diploma, license,or record illegally or fraudulently obtained or signed or issuedunlawfully or under fraudulent representation;
(3) Practice professional nursing or practical nursing asdefined by sections 335.011 to 335.096 unless duly licensed to doso under the provisions of sections 335.011 to 335.096;
(4) Use in connection with his name any designation tendingto imply that he is a licensed registered professional nurse or alicensed practical nurse unless duly licensed so to practiceunder the provisions of sections 335.011 to 335.096;
(5) Practice professional nursing or practical nursingduring the time his license issued under the provisions ofsections 335.011 to 335.096 shall be suspended or revoked; or
(6) Conduct a nursing education program for the preparationof professional or practical nurses unless the program has beenaccredited by the board.
(L. 1975 S.B. 108 § 16)Effective 1-21-76