335.076. Titles, R.N., L.P.N., and APRN, who may use.
Titles, R.N., L.P.N., and APRN, who may use.
335.076. 1. Any person who holds a license to practice professionalnursing in this state may use the title "Registered Professional Nurse" andthe abbreviation "R.N.". No other person shall use the title "RegisteredProfessional Nurse" or the abbreviation "R.N.". No other person shallassume any title or use any abbreviation or any other words, letters,signs, or devices to indicate that the person using the same is aregistered professional nurse.
2. Any person who holds a license to practice practical nursing inthis state may use the title "Licensed Practical Nurse" and theabbreviation "L.P.N.". No other person shall use the title "LicensedPractical Nurse" or the abbreviation "L.P.N.". No other person shallassume any title or use any abbreviation or any other words, letters,signs, or devices to indicate that the person using the same is a licensedpractical nurse.
3. Any person who holds a license or recognition to practice advancedpractice nursing in this state may use the title "Advanced PracticeRegistered Nurse", and the abbreviation "APRN", and any other titledesignations appearing on his or her license. No other person shall usethe title "Advanced Practice Registered Nurse" or the abbreviation "APRN".No other person shall assume any title or use any abbreviation or any otherwords, letters, signs, or devices to indicate that the person using thesame is an advanced practice registered nurse.
4. No person shall practice or offer to practice professionalnursing, practical nursing, or advanced practice nursing in this state oruse any title, sign, abbreviation, card, or device to indicate that suchperson is a practicing professional nurse, practical nurse, or advancedpractice nurse unless he or she has been duly licensed under the provisionsof this chapter.
5. In the interest of public safety and consumer awareness, it isunlawful for any person to use the title "nurse" in reference to himself orherself in any capacity, except individuals who are or have been licensedas a registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, or advanced practiceregistered nurse under this chapter.
6. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, nothing in this chaptershall prohibit a Christian Science nurse from using the title "ChristianScience nurse", so long as such person provides only religious nonmedicalservices when offering or providing such services to those who choose torely upon healing by spiritual means alone and does not hold his or her ownreligious organization and does not hold himself or herself out as aregistered nurse, advanced practice registered nurse, nurse practitioner,licensed practical nurse, nurse midwife, clinical nurse specialist, ornurse anesthetist, unless otherwise authorized by law to do so.
(L. 1975 S.B. 108 § 14, A.L. 2007 H.B. 780 merged with S.B. 308, A.L. 2008 S.B. 724)