332.086. Advisory commission for dental hygienists established, duties, members, terms, meetings, expenses.
Advisory commission for dental hygienists established, duties,members, terms, meetings, expenses.
332.086. 1. There is hereby established a five-member "AdvisoryCommission for Dental Hygienists", composed of dental hygienists appointedby the governor as provided in subsection 2 of this section and the dentalhygienist member of the Missouri dental board, which shall guide, adviseand make recommendations to the Missouri dental board. The commissionshall:
(1) Recommend the educational requirements to be registered as adental hygienist;
(2) Annually review the practice act of dental hygiene;
(3) Make recommendations to the Missouri dental board regarding thepractice, licensure, examination and discipline of dental hygienists; and
(4) Assist the board in any other way necessary to carry out theprovisions of this chapter as they relate to dental hygienists.
2. The members of the commission shall be appointed by the governorwith the advice and consent of the senate. Each member of the commissionshall be a citizen of the United States and a resident of Missouri for oneyear and shall be a dental hygienist registered and currently licensedpursuant to this chapter. Members of the commission who are not alsomembers of the Missouri dental board shall be appointed for terms of fiveyears, except for the members first appointed, one of which shall beappointed for a term of two years, one shall be appointed for a term ofthree years, one shall be appointed for a term of four years and one shallbe appointed for a term of five years. The dental hygienist member of theMissouri dental board shall become a member of the commission and shallserve a term concurrent with the member's term on the dental board. Allmembers of the initial commission shall be appointed by April 1, 2002.Members shall be chosen from lists submitted by the director of thedivision of professional registration. Lists of dental hygienistssubmitted to the governor may include names submitted to the director ofthe division of professional registration by the president of the MissouriDental Hygienists Association.
3. The commission shall hold an annual meeting at which it shallelect from its membership a chairperson and a secretary. The commissionshall meet in conjunction with the dental board meetings or no more thanfourteen days prior to regularly scheduled dental board meetings.Additional meetings shall require a majority vote of the commission. Aquorum of the commission shall consist of a majority of its members.
4. Members of the commission shall receive as compensation an amountset by the Missouri dental board not to exceed fifty dollars for each daydevoted to the duties of the commission and shall be reimbursed for allactual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their officialduties on the commission and in attending meetings of the Missouri dentalboard. The Missouri dental board shall provide all necessary staff andsupport services as required by the commission to hold commission meetings,to maintain records of official acts, and to conduct all other business ofthe commission.
(L. 2001 H.B. 567 merged with S.B. 393, A.L. 2004 S.B. 1122)