329.010. Definitions.
329.010. As used in this chapter, unless the context clearlyindicates otherwise, the following words and terms mean:
(1) "Accredited school of cosmetology or school of manicuring", anestablishment operated for the purpose of teaching cosmetology as definedin this section and meeting the criteria set forth under 34 C.F.R. Part600, sections 600.1 and 600.2;
(2) "Apprentice" or "student", a person who is engaged in trainingwithin a cosmetology establishment or school, and while so trainingperforms any of the practices of the classified occupations within thischapter under the immediate direction and supervision of a licensedcosmetologist or instructor;
(3) "Board", the state board of cosmetology and barber examiners;
(4) "Cosmetologist", any person who, for compensation, engages in thepractice of cosmetology, as defined in subdivision (5) of this section;
(5) "Cosmetology" includes performing or offering to engage in anyacts of the classified occupations of cosmetology for compensation, whichshall include:
(a) "Class CH - hairdresser" includes arranging, dressing, curling,singeing, waving, permanent waving, cleansing, cutting, bleaching, tinting,coloring or similar work upon the hair of any person by any means; orremoving superfluous hair from the body of any person by means other thanelectricity, or any other means of arching or tinting eyebrows or tintingeyelashes. Class CH - hairdresser also includes any person who either withthe person's hands or with mechanical or electrical apparatuses orappliances, or by the use of cosmetic preparations, antiseptics, tonics,lotions or creams engages for compensation in any one or any combination ofthe following: massaging, cleaning, stimulating, manipulating, exercising,beautifying or similar work upon the scalp, face, neck, arms or bust;
(b) "Class MO - manicurist" includes cutting, trimming, polishing,coloring, tinting, cleaning or otherwise beautifying a person'sfingernails, applying artificial fingernails, massaging, cleaning aperson's hands and arms; pedicuring, which includes cutting, trimming,polishing, coloring, tinting, cleaning or otherwise beautifying a person'stoenails, applying artificial toenails, massaging and cleaning a person'slegs and feet;
(c) "Class CA - hairdressing and manicuring" includes all practicesof cosmetology, as defined in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subdivision;
(d) "Class E - estheticians" includes the use of mechanical,electrical apparatuses or appliances, or by the use of cosmeticpreparations, antiseptics, tonics, lotions or creams, not to exceed tenpercent phenol, engages for compensation, either directly or indirectly, inany one, or any combination, of the following practices: massaging,cleansing, stimulating, manipulating, exercising, beautifying or similarwork upon the scalp, face, neck, ears, arms, hands, bust, torso, legs orfeet and removing superfluous hair by means other than electric needle orany other means of arching or tinting eyebrows or tinting eyelashes, of anyperson;
(6) "Cosmetology establishment", that part of any building wherein orwhereupon any of the classified occupations are practiced including anyspace rented within a licensed establishment by a person licensed underthis chapter, for the purpose of rendering cosmetology services;
(7) "Cross-over license", a license that is issued to any person whohas met the licensure and examination requirements for both barbering andcosmetology;
(8) "Hairdresser", any person who, for compensation, engages in thepractice of cosmetology as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision (5) ofthis section;
(9) "Instructor", any person who is licensed to teach cosmetology orany practices of cosmetology pursuant to this chapter;
(10) "Manicurist", any person who, for compensation, engages in anyor all of the practices in paragraph (b) of subdivision (5) of thissection;
(11) "Parental consent", the written informed consent of a minor'sparent or legal guardian that must be obtained prior to providing bodywaxing on or near the genitalia;
(12) "School of cosmetology" or "school of manicuring", anestablishment operated for the purpose of teaching cosmetology as definedin subdivision (5) of this section.
(RSMo 1939 § 9812, A.L. 1979 H.B. 140, A.L. 1995 S.B. 292, A.L. 2001 H.B. 567, A.L. 2004 H.B. 1622, A.L. 2005 S.B. 280)Prior revision: 1929 § 9091