Chapter 328 Barbers
- 328.010. Definitions.
- 328.015. Board of barber examiners abolished, duties merged with board of cosmetology and barber examiners--effect on rules and existing licenses.
- 328.020. License required.
- 328.030. (Repealed L. 2009 S.B. 296 § A)
- 328.040. (Repealed L. 2009 S.B. 296 § A)
- 328.050. (Repealed L. 2009 S.B. 296 § A)
- 328.060. (Repealed L. 2009 S.B. 296 § A)
- 328.070. Public examinations by board.
- 328.075. Barber apprentices, application, fee, requirements--rulemaking authority.
- 328.080. Application for licensure, fee, examination, qualifications--approval of schools.
- 328.085. Reciprocity with other states--license without examination, when--fee.
- 328.090. Barber schools--examinations for teaching.
- 328.100. Medical examinations of registered barbers.
- 328.110. Application for renewal of license--fees.
- 328.115. Barber establishments, licensure requirements--sanitary regulations, noncompliance, effect--renewal of license, fee--delinquent fee.
- 328.120. Barber school licenses, fee--requirements for operation--rulemaking, generally, this chapter--procedure.
- 328.130. Board to furnish license--duty of holder.
- 328.140. (Repealed L. 2009 S.B. 296 § A)
- 328.150. Denial, revocation, or suspension of certificate, grounds for.
- 328.160. Penalty for violation of provisions of chapter.