324.609. Application procedure, contents--qualifications of applicants--conditions of licensure--denial of licensure, when--fee--renewal.

Application procedure, contents--qualifications ofapplicants--conditions of licensure--denial of licensure,when--fee--renewal.

324.609. 1. Every person desiring to be licensed in this state as alicensed private fire investigator or licensed private fire investigatoragency shall make an application to the board. An application for alicense pursuant to the provisions of sections 324.600 to 324.635 shall beon a form prescribed by the board and accompanied by the requiredapplication fee. An application shall be verified and shall include:

(1) The full name and business address of the applicant;

(2) The name that the applicant intends to do business under;

(3) A statement as to the general nature of the business that theapplicant intends to engage in;

(4) Two recent passport photographs of the applicant and twoclassifiable sets of the applicant's fingerprints;

(5) A verified statement of the applicant's experiencequalifications; and

(6) Such other information, evidence, statements, or documents as maybe required by the state fire marshal.

2. To be eligible for licensure, the applicant shall:

(1) Be at least twenty-one years of age;

(2) Be a citizen of the United States;

(3) Not have a felony conviction or a conviction of a crime involvingmoral turpitude;

(4) Provide proof of liability insurance with amount to be no lessthan one million dollars in coverage; and

(5) Comply with such other qualifications as the board shall require.For the purposes of sections 324.600 to 324.635, the record of conviction,or a certified copy thereof, shall be conclusive evidence of suchconviction, and a plea or verdict of guilty is deemed to be a convictionwithin the meaning thereof.

3. The board shall require as a condition of licensure that theapplicant:

(1) Successfully complete a course of training approved by the statefire marshal's office;

(2) Pass a written examination as evidence of knowledge of fireinvestigation. Certification as a fire investigator by the state firemarshal or other agencies approved by the state fire marshal shallconstitute passing a written examination;

(3) Provide a background check from an authorized state lawenforcement agency. The board shall conduct a complete investigation ofthe background of each applicant for licensure as a licensed private fireinvestigator or agency to determine whether the applicant is qualified forlicensure pursuant to sections 324.600 to 324.635; and

(4) Pass any other basic qualification requirements as the boardshall outline.

4. The board may deny a request for a license if the applicant has:

(1) Committed any act that, if committed by a licensee, would begrounds for the suspension or revocation of a license pursuant to theprovisions of sections 324.600 to 324.635;

(2) Been finally adjudicated and found guilty, or entered a plea ofguilty or nolo contendere in a criminal prosecution under the laws of anystate or the United States for any offense reasonably related to thequalifications, functions, or duties of any profession licensed orregulated under this chapter or for any offense an essential element ofwhich is fraud, dishonesty, or an act of violence, or for any offenseinvolving moral turpitude, whether or not a sentence is imposed;

(3) Been refused a license pursuant to the provisions of sections324.600 to 324.635 or had a license revoked in this state or in any otherstate;

(4) Prior to being licensed, committed, aided, or abetted thecommission of any act that requires a license pursuant to sections 324.600to 324.635; and

(5) Knowingly made any false statement in the application.

5. Every application submitted pursuant to the provisions of sections324.600 to 324.635 shall be accompanied by a fee as determined by the boardas follows:

(1) A separate fee shall be paid for an individual license, agencylicense, and employees being licensed to work under an agency license; and

(2) If a license is issued for a period of less than two years, thefee shall be prorated for the months, or fraction thereof, for which thelicense is issued.

6. All fees required pursuant to this section shall be paid to andcollected by the division of fire safety and transmitted to the departmentof revenue for deposit in the state general revenue fund. The board shallset fees at a level to produce revenue that will not substantially exceedor fail to cover the costs and expenses of administering sections 324.600to 324.635. These fees shall be exclusive and no municipality may requireany person licensed pursuant to sections 324.600 to 324.635 to furnish anybond or pass any examination to practice as a licensed private fireinvestigator.

7. Renewal of a license shall be made in the manner prescribed by theboard, including the payment of a renewal fee.

(L. 2004 H.B. 1195 § 324.939)