321.330. Property not to be subject to taxes, when.
Property not to be subject to taxes, when.
321.330. All real property included within, or excludedfrom, a district shall thereafter be subject to the levy of taxesfor the payment of any indebtedness of the district outstandingat the time of inclusion or exclusion; provided, however, thatafter any real property shall have been excluded from a district,as herein provided, any buildings and improvements thereaftererected or constructed on said excluded real property, and allmachinery and equipment thereafter installed or placed therein orthereon, and all tangible personal property not in said districtat the time of the exclusion of said real property from saiddistrict which shall thereafter be situate on or used inconnection with said real property, shall not be subject to anytaxes levied by said district.
(L. 1947 V. I p. 432 § 33)