321.221. Municipality purchasing fire protection, annual payments, how computed.
Municipality purchasing fire protection, annual payments, howcomputed.
321.221. The amount to be paid annually by the municipalityto the fire district pursuant to subdivision (16) of section321.220 shall be the annual assessed value of all propertysubject to tax in the municipality determined from the taxassessment ledgers, and including public utilities and intangibleproperty within such area, multiplied by the annual tax rate ascertified by the fire protection district to the municipality(but not including any portion of the tax rate for ambulanceservice provided by the district) per one hundred dollars ofassessed value in such area. The tax rate so computed shallinclude any tax on bonded indebtedness incurred by the districtprior to entering into such contract, but shall not include anyof the tax rate for bonded indebtedness incurred during the termthat the contract is in force.
(L. 1982 H.B. 1096)