320.271. Information to be filed with fire marshal, by certain fire protection organizations--when--identification numbers.
Information to be filed with fire marshal, by certain fire protectionorganizations--when--identification numbers.
320.271. All fire protection districts, fire departments, and allvolunteer fire protection associations as defined in section 320.300 shallcomplete and file with the state fire marshal within sixty days afterJanuary 1, 2008, and annually thereafter, a fire department registrationform provided by the state fire marshal. The state fire marshal may issuea fire department identification number to each registered fire protectiondistrict, fire department, or volunteer fire protection association basedupon such registration. The state fire marshal may conduct periodicreviews of the information provided on each fire department registrationform, and may deny or revoke a fire department identification number basedupon the information provided.
(L. 1988 S.B. 725 § 1, A.L. 2007 S.B. 22 merged with S.B. 47)