320.151. Sales to children, sales by children, unlawful, exceptions--exploding fireworks near gasoline pumps, certain buildings or from or at motor vehicles, prohibited--certain restrictions--demonstr
Sales to children, sales by children, unlawful, exceptions--explodingfireworks near gasoline pumps, certain buildings or from or at motorvehicles, prohibited--certain restrictions--demonstrating and testingallowed, requirements.
320.151. 1. It is unlawful to attempt to sell or to sell at retailany fireworks to children under the age of fourteen years except when suchchild is in the presence of a parent or guardian.
2. It is unlawful for any person under the age of sixteen to sellfireworks or work in a facility where fireworks are stored, sold, oroffered for sale unless supervised by an adult.
3. It is unlawful to explode or ignite consumer fireworks within sixhundred feet of any church, hospital, mental health facility, school, orwithin one hundred feet of any location where fireworks are stored, sold,or offered for sale.
4. No person shall ignite or discharge any permissible articles ofconsumer fireworks within or throw the same from a motorized vehicleincluding watercraft or any other means of transportation, except wheredisplay permit has been issued for a floating vessel or floating platform,nor shall any person place or throw any ignited article of fireworks intoor at a motorized vehicle including watercraft or any other means oftransportation, or at or near any person or group of people.
5. No person shall ignite or discharge consumer fireworks withinthree hundred feet of any permanent storage of ignitable liquid, gases,gasoline pump, gasoline filling station, or any nonpermanent structurewhere fireworks are stored, sold or offered for sale.
6. No items of explosive or pyrotechnic composition other thanfireworks as defined by subdivisions* (3), (5), and (17) of section 320.106shall be displayed, sold, or offered for sale within the applicable permitlocation as identified on such permit granted by the state fire marshal.
7. Proximate fireworks shall not be allowed to be stored withconsumer fireworks.
8. All storage and transportation of fireworks shall be in accordancewith all federal and state rules and regulations.
9. Nothing in sections 320.106 to 320.161 shall be construed toprevent permittees from demonstrating or testing fireworks. Any suchdemonstration or test shall require the notification and approval of thelocal fire service or the state fire marshal.
(L. 1985 S.B. 76 § 10, A.L. 1987 H.B. 416, A.L. 1998 S.B. 536, A.L. 1999 H.B. 343, A.L. 2004 S.B. 1196)*Word "subsections" appears in original rolls.