320.090. Emergency services, contracts for mutual aid operative in disasters--requirements.
Emergency services, contracts for mutual aid operative indisasters--requirements.
320.090. 1. Any municipal fire department, fire protection districtor volunteer fire protection association, as defined by section 320.300,may enter into contracts providing for mutual aid regarding emergencyservices provided by such fire department, fire protection district orvolunteer fire protection association. The contracts that are agreed uponmay provide for compensation from the parties and other terms that areagreeable to the parties and may be for an indefinite period as long asthey include a sixty-day cancellation notice by either party. Thecontracts agreed upon may not be entered into for the purpose of reductionof manpower by either party.
2. Any municipal fire department, fire protection district orvolunteer fire protection association may provide assistance to any othermunicipal fire department, fire protection district or volunteer fireprotection association in the state, or any bordering state, at the time ofa significant emergency such as a fire, earthquake, flood, tornado,hazardous material incident or other such disaster. The chief or highestranking fire officer may render aid to any requesting fire department, fireprotection district or volunteer fire protection association as long as heis acting in accordance with the policies and procedures set forth by thegoverning board of that governmental entity or association.
3. When responding on mutual aid or emergency aid requests, the firedepartment, fire protection district, or volunteer fire association shallbe subject to all provisions of law as if it were providing service withinits own jurisdiction.
(L. 1990 H.B. 1395 & 1448 § 1 subsecs. 1, 2, 3, A.L. 1994 H.B. 1668, A.L. 1996 S.B. 740)