320.083. Law enforcement officials to furnish fire insurance companies with information regarding fire losses, when.
Law enforcement officials to furnish fire insurance companies withinformation regarding fire losses, when.
320.083. The state fire marshal, prosecuting or circuitattorney, police chief, sheriff, fire chief, or other lawenforcement agency having jurisdiction over the act, upon receiptof a written request from an officer, attorney or claimsmanagement personnel of any insurance company shall disclose tothe insurance company and its officer, attorney or claimsmanagement personnel, all facts, documents and information inpossession or knowledge of that agency or its employeesconcerning any fire loss reported under sections 320.081 to320.086 which at the time of the request is the subject of apending claim against said company; unless such disclosure wouldjeopardize a pending prosecution. No police chief, sheriff, firechief, or other law enforcement agency shall disclose any facts,documents, or information under this section unless the requestfor such facts, documents, or information has been approved bythe prosecuting or circuit attorney having jurisdiction over theact.
(L. 1983 H.B. 337)