320.070. Doors to certain buildings to be hung, how.
Doors to certain buildings to be hung, how.
320.070. All the doors for ingress and egress to and fromall public schoolhouses and all other public buildings, and alsoof all theaters, assembly rooms, halls, churches, factories withmore than twenty employees, and of all other buildings or placesof public resort whatever, where people are wont to assemble,excepting schoolhouses and churches of one room and on the groundfloor, which shall hereafter be erected, together with all thoseheretofore erected and which are still in use as such publicbuildings or places of resort, shall be so hung as to openoutwardly from the audience rooms, halls or workshops of suchbuildings or places; provided, that said doors may be hung ondouble-jointed hinges so as to open with equal ease outwardly andinwardly.
(RSMo 1939 § 14962)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13769; 1919 § 10973; 1909 § 10678
(1973) Tavern held to be premises subject to provisions of Section 320.070. Derboven v. Stockton (A.), 490 S.W.2d 301.