320.040. Buildings to be equipped with fire escapes.
Buildings to be equipped with fire escapes.
320.040. All buildings of three and not exceeding four stories in heighthereafter erected or altered, in this state, which are used, or intended to beused for any of the purposes mentioned in sections 320.010 to 320.060, shallbe provided with exterior stationary stair or tubular fire escapes, or at theoption of the owner may be provided with interior fireproof fire escapes, andall such buildings, exceeding four stories in height shall be provided withinterior fireproof fire escapes. All interior fire escapes shall be installedin fireproof shafts constructed of brick or concrete, and shall extend fromthe ground to the top of the building, with an exterior entrance thereto ateach story and shall have no openings of any kind leading to or from theinterior of the building. The doors on the ground floor of every such shaftshall open directly into a street, alley, yard, or outer court or directlyinto an enclosed fireproof corridor or passageway, constructed of brick orconcrete, and leading directly to and opening into a street, alley, yard orouter court. All buildings coming within the provisions of this section, andnot exceeding four stories in height, shall be provided with such a number ofexterior stationary stair or tubular fire escapes as are required by section320.030; provided, that number are so located that no part of the floor areaof any floor above the first story will be more than one hundred feet distantfrom a fire escape, or if such building be provided with interior fireescapes, there shall be one for every two hundred persons or fractional partthereof for whom working, sleeping or living accommodations are provided forabove the second story. There shall be a sufficient number of fire escapes solocated that no part of any floor space above the first story will be morethan one hundred feet from a fire escape, whether they are interior orexterior fire escapes.
(RSMo 1939 § 14953, A.L. 1961 p. 548) Prior revisions: 1929 § 13760; 1919 § 10964; 1909 § 10669