320.030. Number to each building.
Number to each building.
320.030. The number of fire escapes to be attached to anyone building, as required in this chapter, shall, when thebuilding is located within a city, be determined by thecommissioner or superintendent of public buildings within suchcity, and if there be no such officer in such city, then by thechief of the fire department of such city; provided, however,that all buildings of nonfireproof construction three or morestories in height, used for manufacturing purposes, hotels,dormitories, schools, seminaries, hospitals or asylums, shallhave not less than one fire escape for every fifty persons orfraction thereof, for whom working, sleeping or livingaccommodations are provided above the second story, and allpublic halls which provide seating room above the first or groundstory, shall have such number of fire escapes as shall not beless than one fire escape for every one hundred persons,calculated on the seating capacity of the hall, unless adifferent number is authorized in writing by the commissioner, orsuperintendent of buildings, or the chief of the fire department,or the sheriff of the county, as the case may be.
(RSMo 1939 § 14952)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13759; 1919 § 10963; 1909 § 10668