319.339. Notification of division prior to use of explosives required--exception.
Notification of division prior to use of explosivesrequired--exception.
319.339. 1. Any person using explosives within Missouri shall notifythe division of fire safety in writing or by telephone at least twobusiness days in advance of first using explosives at a site where blastinghas not been previously conducted. If blasting will be conducted at anongoing project, such as a long-term construction project, or at apermanent site, such as a mine, the person shall only be required to makeone notice to the division of fire safety in advance of the first use ofexplosives.
2. The notice required by this section shall state the name, address,and telephone number of the person using explosives, the name of theindividual responsible for supervision of blasting, the date or approximateperiod over which blasting will be conducted, the location of blasting bystreet address, route, or other description, and the nature of the projector reason for blasting.
3. This section shall not apply to any blasting required by acontract with any agency of the state of Missouri, any federal agency, orany political subdivision.
(L. 2007 H.B. 298)