319.315. Retention of seismographic recordings, how long--records to include certain information.
Retention of seismographic recordings, how long--records to includecertain information.
319.315. 1. Seismograph recordings of the ground vibration andacoustic levels created by the use of explosives, when required by section319.309, shall be retained for at least three years. Such recordings shallbe made available to the division of fire safety within twenty-four hoursof a request by any representative of the division of fire safety. Eachseismograph recording and the accompanying records shall include the:
(1) Maximum ground vibration and acoustics levels recorded;
(2) Specific location of the seismograph equipment, its distance fromthe detonation of the explosives, the date of the recording, and the timeof the recording;
(3) Name of the individual responsible for operation of theseismograph equipment and performing an analysis of each recording; and
(4) Type of seismograph instrument, its sensitivity and calibrationsignal or certification date of the last calibration.
2. When seismograph recordings of the use of explosives are requiredby section 319.309, a record of each such use of explosives shall be madeand retained for at least three years. The record shall be completed bythe end of the business day following the day in which the explosives weredetonated. Such records shall be made available to the division of firesafety, upon request, within twenty-four hours of the request. Each recordshall include the:
(1) Name of the person using the explosives;
(2) Location, date, and time of the detonation;
(3) Name of the licensed blaster responsible for use of theexplosives;
(4) Type of material blasted;
(5) Number of bore holes, burden, and spacing;
(6) Diameter and depth of bore holes;
(7) Type of explosives used;
(8) Weight of explosives used per bore hole and total weight ofexplosives used;
(9) Maximum weight of explosives detonated within any eightmillisecond period;
(10) Maximum number of bore holes or decks detonated within any eightmillisecond period;
(11) Initiation system, including number of circuits and the timerinterval, if a sequential timer is used;
(12) Type and length of stemming;
(13) Type of detonator and delay periods used, in milliseconds;
(14) Sketch of delay pattern, including decking;
(15) Distance and scaled distance, if required under the provisionsof 319.309, to the nearest uncontrolled structure;
(16) Location of the nearest uncontrolled structure, using the bestavailable information.
3. If the type of blasting being recorded by a seismograph does notinvolve bore holes, then the record required in subsection 2 of thissection shall contain the:
(1) Name of the person using the explosives;
(2) Location, date, and time of the detonation;
(3) Name of the licensed blaster responsible for use of theexplosives;
(4) Type of material blasted;
(5) Type of explosives used;
(6) Weight of explosives used per shot and total weight of explosivesused;
(7) Maximum weight of explosives detonated within any eightmillisecond period;
(8) Initiation system, including number of circuits and the timerinterval, if a sequential timer is used;
(9) Type of detonator and delay periods used, in milliseconds;
(10) Sketch of delay pattern;
(11) Distance and scaled distance, if required under the provisionsof section 319.309, to the nearest uncontrolled structure;
(12) Location of the nearest uncontrolled structure, using the bestavailable information.
4. It shall be the duty of each licensed blaster and each personusing explosives to assure that the requirements of this section are met.Any person using explosives shall provide properly calibrated seismographicequipment at the closest practical proximity to the nearest uncontrolledstructure, or at the option of the person using explosives the seismographequipment may be located nearer to the blast site on an approximate linebetween the nearest uncontrolled structure and the blast site. Licensedblasters shall create the record required in subsections 2 and 3 of thissection and provide such record to the person using explosives, who shallbe responsible for maintaining records required in this section.
(L. 2007 H.B. 298)