319.303. Definitions.
319.303. As used in sections 319.300 to 319.345, the following termsshall mean:
(1) "Blast", detonation of explosives;
(2) "Blast site", the area where explosives are handled duringloading of a bore hole, including fifty feet in all directions from theperimeter formed by loaded holes. A minimum of thirty feet may replace thefifty feet requirement if the perimeter of loaded holes is marked andseparated from nonblast site areas by a barrier. The fifty feet or thirtyfeet distance requirements, as applicable, shall apply in all directionsalong the full depth of the bore hole;
(3) "Blaster", a person qualified to be in charge of and responsiblefor the loading and firing of an explosive or explosive material;
(4) "Blasting", the use of explosives in mining or construction;
(5) "Board", the state blasting safety board created in section319.324;
(6) "Bore hole", a hole made with a drill, auger, or other tool inwhich explosives are placed in preparation for detonation;
(7) "Burden", the distance from an explosive charge to the nearestfree or open face at the time of detonation;
(8) "Business day", any day of the week except Saturday, Sunday, or afederal or state holiday;
(9) "Deck", charge of explosives separated from other charges bystemming;
(10) "Delay period", the time delay provided by blasting caps whichpermits firing of bore holes in sequence;
(11) "Detonation", the action of converting the chemicals in anexplosive charge to gases at a high pressure by means of a self-propagatingshock wave passing through the charge;
(12) "Detonator", any device containing initiating or primaryexplosive that is used for initiating detonation of another explosivematerial. A detonator may not contain more than ten grams of totalexplosives by weight, excluding ignition or delay charges. The termincludes, but is not limited to, electric blasting caps of instantaneousand delay types, blasting caps for use with safety fuse, detonating corddelay connectors, and nonelectric instantaneous and delay blasting capswhich use detonating cord, nonelectric shock tube, or any other replacementfor electric leg wires;
(13) "Explosives", any chemical compound, mixture, or device, theprimary or common purpose of which is to function by explosion, including,but not limited to, dynamite, black powder, pellet powder, initiatingexplosives, detonators, millisecond connectors, safety fuses, squibs,detonating cord, igniter cord, and igniters; includes explosive materialssuch as any blasting agent, emulsion explosive, water gel, or detonator.Explosive materials determined to be within the coverage of sections319.300 to 319.345 shall include all such materials listed in Chapter 40 ofTitle 18 of the United States Code, as amended, as issued at least annuallyby the Department of Justice, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms andExplosives;
(14) "Fire protection official", an authorized representative of amunicipal fire department, fire protection district, or volunteer fireprotection association for the area where blasting occurs;
(15) "Firing", causing explosives to be detonated by the use of afuse, electric detonator, or nonelectric shock tube;
(16) "Fugitive from justice", any person who has fled from thejurisdiction of any court of record to avoid prosecution for any crime orto avoid giving testimony in any criminal proceeding. The term shall alsoinclude any person who has been convicted of any crime and has fled toavoid case disposition;
(17) "Initiation system", components of an explosive charge thatcause the charge to detonate, such as primers, electric detonators, anddetonating charge;
(18) "Loading", placing of explosives in a hole in preparation fordetonation;
(19) "Local government", a city, county, fire protection district,volunteer fire protection association, or other political subdivision ofthe state;
(20) "Person using explosives", any individual, proprietorship,partnership, firm, corporation, company, or joint venture that is requiredto hold authority to receive or use explosives under statutes orregulations administered by the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau ofAlcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and who employs licensedblasters;
(21) "Scaled distance", a value determined by dividing the lineardistance, in feet, from the blast to a specified location, by the squareroot of the maximum weight of explosives, in pounds, to be detonated in anyeight millisecond period;
(22) "Seismograph", an instrument that measures ground vibration andacoustic effects;
(23) "Spacing", the distance between adjacent bore holes;
(24) "Stemming", inert material that is placed above explosives thathave been placed in a blast hole in preparation for detonation orvertically between columnar decks of explosives that have been placed in ahole in preparation for detonation;
(25) "Uncontrolled structure", any dwelling, public building, school,church, commercial building, or institutional building that is not owned orleased by the person using explosives, or otherwise under the directcontractual responsibility of the person using explosives.
(L. 2007 H.B. 298)