319.207. Noncompliance to affect eligibility for state aid, loans, grants--attorney general to bring action to recover.
Noncompliance to affect eligibility for state aid, loans,grants--attorney general to bring action to recover.
319.207. Beginning January 1, 1991, any city, town,village or county which can be expected to experience anintensity of ground shaking equivalent to a Modified Mercalli ofVII or above from an earthquake occurring along the New MadridFault with a potential magnitude of 7.6 on the Richter Scale,and which does not comply with the requirements of sections319.200 to 319.207 shall not be eligible to receive any stateaid, assistance, grant, loan or reimbursement until compliancehas been proven to the satisfaction of the commissioner ofadministration. The commissioner of administration shall notifythe state treasurer and the attorney general of any city, town,village or county which, within ninety days after notice ofnoncompliance, does not comply with the requirements of sections319.200 to 319.207. Upon receipt of notice of noncompliance byany city, town, village or county from the commissioner ofadministration, the state treasurer shall withhold any stateaid, assistance, grant, loan or reimbursement otherwise due thecity, town, village or county until that city, town, village orcounty has established compliance with sections 319.200 to319.207 to the satisfaction of the commissioner ofadministration. The attorney general shall bring any actionnecessary to recover state aid, assistance, grant, loan orreimbursement received by a city, town, village or county not incompliance with the provisions of this act.
(L. 1990 S.B. 539 § 1 subsec. 5)