319.203. Ordinance to apply to certain buildings, structures and state leases.
Ordinance to apply to certain buildings, structures and stateleases.
319.203. 1. The provisions of sections 319.200 to 319.207shall apply to:
(1) All buildings upon which construction was begun afterJanuary 1, 1994, for which leases are executed by politicalsubdivisions of this state;
(2) All buildings upon which construction was begun afterJanuary 1, 1994, for which leases are executed by the state orany institution of higher education, except that, thissubdivision shall apply only to twenty-five percent of suchleases executed between August 28, 1991, and January 1, 1996, andfifty percent of such leases executed between January 1, 1996,and January 1, 1998, and seventy-five percent of such leasesexecuted between January 1, 1998, and January 1, 2000, and afterJanuary 1, 2000, this subdivision shall apply to all such leases.The commissioner of administration shall determine which leasesshall be subject to the percentages established by thissubdivision.
2. The provisions of sections 319.200 to 319.207 shall notapply to:
(1) Any building owned by the state, any institution ofhigher education, or any political subdivision upon whichconstruction was begun or finished before August 28, 1991;
(2) Any private structure with less than ten thousandsquare feet in total area, except that this subdivision shall notoperate to prevent a city, town, village or county from adoptingan ordinance or order requiring that private structures with lessthan ten thousand square feet in total area comply with seismicdesign and construction standards of either the uniform buildingcode or the building officials* and code administrators code; and
(3) Any single-family or duplex residence.
3. A city, town, village or county shall be deemed incompliance with the requirements of sections 319.200 to 319.207when such town, city, village or county passes an ordinance ororder requiring compliance with sections 319.200 to 319.207.Nothing in sections 319.200 to 319.207 requires the politicalsubdivision to establish an inspection program.
(L. 1990 S.B. 539 § 1 subsecs. 2, 3, 4, A.L. 1991 S.B. 347)*Word "officials" does not appear in original rolls.