319.200. Notice to cities and counties subject to earthquake to adopt seismic construction and renovation ordinances, when--standards.
Notice to cities and counties subject to earthquake to adopt seismicconstruction and renovation ordinances, when--standards.
319.200. 1. Notwithstanding other provisions of law to the contrary,the state geologist and the U. S. Geological Survey shall notify the stateemergency management agency of each city, town, village or county of thisstate which can be expected to experience an intensity of ground shakingequivalent to a Modified Mercalli of VII or above from an earthquakeoccurring along the New Madrid Fault with a potential magnitude of 7.6 onthe Richter Scale, shall adopt an ordinance or order requiring that newconstruction, additions and alterations, as such term is defined by eitherthe uniform building code or building officials and code administratorscode, to existing buildings and structures within the city, town, villageor county comply with the standards for seismic design and construction ofthe building officials and code administrators code or of the uniformbuilding code. Each city, town, village or county required to adoptseismic design and construction provisions pursuant to this subsectionshall adopt an ordinance or order requiring that new construction,additions and alterations, as such term is defined by either the uniformbuilding code or building officials and code administrators code, complywith the standards for seismic design and construction of the 1990 or lateredition of either the uniform building code or the building officials andcode administrators code.
2. In no event shall sections 319.200 to 319.207 nor any ordinancesor orders adopted by any city, town, village or county of this state beconstrued to mandate that existing buildings, by reason of any proposedaddition or alteration, be further modified or reconstructed so as tocomply with the current code relevant to seismic considerations. Seismicdesign criteria as to additions and alterations apply only to structuralcomponents constituting the addition or alteration and shall not be appliedto require reconstruction or fortification of existing structures proposedto be altered. If any addition or alteration adversely affects portions ofexisting facilities which are not being altered, then those parts thusaffected may require evaluation and possible reinforcement such that theadditions or alterations will result in a structure that is at least assafe as it was prior to the additions or alterations.
(L. 1990 S.B. 539 § 1 subsecs. 1, 6, A.L. 1991 S.B. 347, A.L. 1992 H.B. 1434 & 1490, H.B. 1574, A.L. 1996 S.B. 826)