319.120. Certificate of registration required--issued when--term of certificate--application, forms--owner may operate prior to certification until issue or denial.
Certificate of registration required--issued when--term ofcertificate--application, forms--owner may operate prior tocertification until issue or denial.
319.120. 1. Except as provided for in sections 319.100 to319.137, no person shall own or operate an underground storagetank unless a certificate of registration for its operation hasbeen issued by the department. A certificate of registrationshall be issued by the department when the applicantdemonstrates compliance with the provisions of sections 319.100to 319.137.
2. The department shall issue an initial certificate ofregistration for each underground storage tank the term forwhich shall not exceed five years. Certificate renewals shallbe issued for a fixed term of five years.
3. Applications for certificates of registration andcertificate renewals shall be made on forms prescribed and madeavailable by the department.
4. Within one hundred twenty days after August 28, 1989,the department shall provide owners with a copy of informationsubmitted pursuant to the notification requirements of section319.103, and shall specify any additional information requiredto comply with section 319.103.
5. Owners may apply for certificates of registration eitherthrough the submission of information required by the departmentin accordance with subsection 4 of this section, or throughsubmission of information submitted pursuant to section 319.103.Until the department issues or denies a certificate ofregistration, owners who have applied for a certificate inaccordance with the requirements of this section may operate thetank for which the application for certification has been made,provided that the owner and the operation of the tank are incompliance with sections 319.100 to 319.137.
(L. 1989 H.B. 77, et al. § 9 subsecs. 1 to 5)