319.107. Leak detection system and inventory control system, standards of performance and records, department to establish--owner to be reimbursed for testing and monitoring costs from storage tank in
Leak detection system and inventory control system, standards ofperformance and records, department to establish--owner to bereimbursed for testing and monitoring costs from storage tankinsurance fund.
319.107. The department shall establish standards ofperformance for maintaining a leak detection system, an inventorycontrol system together with tank testing, or a comparable systemor method designed to identify releases in a manner consistentwith the protection of human health and the environment. Thedepartment shall establish requirements for maintaining recordsof any such monitoring, leak detection, inventory control, ortank testing system. An owner or operator of an undergroundstorage tank, including an out-of-service or nonoperational tank,not found to be the source of a release for which the departmenthas ordered nonroutine testing, who cooperates with thedepartment, shall be reimbursed for all reasonable direct costs,as determined by the director, related to the testing andmonitoring costs associated with the detection of the allegedrelease incurred by such owner or operator, out of theunderground storage tank insurance fund.
(L. 1989 H.B. 77, et al. § 4, A.L. 1994 H.B. 1156)